Managing Employees in a Unionized Environment

Managing Employees In A Unionized Environment

Why do some unionized employees believe that they can’t be touched, and why is it that if it is not in their existing job description then they think they don’t have to do it? Sick time is used as an entitlement rather than a benefit and any form of coaching is seen as discipline and therefore challenged. No wonder supervisors cringe at the site of the Shop Steward and freeze in astonishment when an employee says ‘no’ to an instruction and walks away! Most supervisors and managers do not know their rights and do not have the skills to manage these issues when they arise. They start to feel that they are at the mercy of their union and become disillusioned and frustrated.

Ironically, most progressive Unions also want better management. They also believe that if management knew how to properly manage, there would not be as many problems in the workplace. They do want better processes, consistency and fairness, but they can’t be the ones teaching the managers! Read more...