Fatigue and Damage Tolerance - Advanced Concepts Course

This is a sequential four-day course to the fundamental Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Analysis course taught by the same instructor. The course starts by providing a review of the highlights of the fundamental course material plus presentation of the updated material. Discussions continues to introduce the concepts of WFD and LOV, plus methods to evaluate WFD behavior and determine LOV to show compliance to §§26.21, 26.23 and 25.571, Amendment 25-132. Example problems are solved real time demonstrating details of these concepts. Guidance for F&DT analyses of various kind of designs, alterations and repairs to fuselage upper and lower lobe, wing and horizontal stabilized are provided. FEM applications for various design requirements such as load transfer in joints, stress distribution in built-up structures, computation of Kt and SIF are discussed. You are encouraged to voluntarily participate in a practicum, which is to make a short live presentation of a F&DT example to demonstrate how you have used the knowledge acquired in the fundamental course. This presentation should be coordinated with the instructor before presentation for review and approval. The proprietary data will be handled appropriately. 

Day 1

  • Introduction
  • Review of Original Material (Refresher): fundamentals, fatigue analysis, crack growth analysis, residual strength analysis.

Day 2

  • Practicum
  • Introduction to the Latest Requirements: Parts 26.21 and 26.23, Part 25,571, Amendment 25-132, examples
  • WFD Assessment Methodology: multiple site damage and multiple element damage

Day 3

  • Limit of Validity (LOV)
  • Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD): fatigue scatter, selection process, ISP & SMP
  • New Spectrum Material (UDRI)
  • FEM Applications: load transfer, load distribution, stress concentration K, stress intensity factor
  • NDT Presentation
Day 4
  • Discussion of DTA for RAMs: requirements for repairs and mod/alterations
  • Repair to Fuselage and Antenna Installation: comparison to SRM
  • Repair to Wing and Horizontal Stabilizer: comparison to SRM
  • Unreinforced Repairs: blend out, dent
  • Introduction to Composite Fracture Mechanics