Union Contracts Negotiations

Negotiating collective agreements is the single most critical responsibility for
both Management and Union. The process and the results of the collective
agreement have the potential to destroy the relationship between the parties.
It can also alter how effectively Management can manage its workplace, as well
as the Union’s ability to represent the interests of its members. Ultimately, this
single business contract can lead to the success or the demise of the organization,
and the viability of the membership. How this process is managed and the
resulting collective agreement will determine your success.
Collective bargaining is a complex
process between two opposing interests.
On one side, you have Management
who must meet organizational and
financial objectives. They must
ensure the profitability and even the
survivability of their organization. Increases in labour budgets and limitations on
their management rights can, in some circumstances, lead to the demise of the
organization. On the other side, the Union, by legislation, must protect not only
the economic welfare of its members, but must ensure that employees are treated
fairly and that they work in a safe environment. Failure to properly represent its
members can also jeopardize the strength of a Union.
It is the role of a skilled negotiator to bridge the gap between these two positions.
It is the successful negotiator that will move the discussions from a position
of resistance and opposing demands, to a position of mutual agreement and a
concluded collective agreement. Whether you are assisting with negotiations in
the back room, will be negotiating for the first time, or have concluded agreements
in the past, this three day program will give you strategies and skills that Chief
Negotiators for national and Fortune 500 companies use at the bargaining table.
Learn how successful negotiators are able to manage this delicate process and
come out ‘victorious.’