Administrative Professionals Course

Strategic Management Skills

Success in your present and future responsibilities is dependent on a number of self-management skills. By improving your skills at managing projects, priorities and deadlines more effectively, while deflecting job-related stress, and developing your memory and concentration; you will gain a deeper sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Specifically, at the 41st Annual Administrative Professionals Course, you will learn how to: 

  1. Apply best practices for effectively prioritizing your time and activities
  2. Better juggle people, paper, projects and priorities
  3. Double your productivity without doubling your stress
  4. Protect your manager's time
  5. Improve remarkably your ability to remember names and faces
  6. Remember numerical information without time consuming repetition
  7. Develop strategies for preventing, reducing, and managing stress
  8. Recognize and deal with "Type A" behavior
  9. Lose your fear of Kineahora and improve your self-esteem
  10. Enhance your professional image 


Emotional Intelligence Skills

The most frustrating limitations placed upon you as an administrative professional have little to do with your technical abilities; rather the most trying aspects of your work often involves dealing with people. To be really effective in dealing with others, you must perfect your ability to:

  1. Establish greater trust and rapport with others
  2. Achieve greater team synergy and effectiveness
  3. Inspire juniors to take initiative
  4. Cope with different and sometimes difficult people
  5. Deal effectively with negativity in the work place
  6. Become a more effective team leader
  7. Help raise low morale and low productivity
  8. Learn to proactively deal with conflict
  9. Conduct crisp, successful interviews
  10. Deal with interpersonal problems that threaten team cohesiveness