QD-012-08-01 Contractor Safety Program

Although workers of contractors are not direct employees of Viking, the Occupational Health and Safety
Legislation still requires Viking to protect these workers while they work on Viking projects. Also,
Environmental laws stipulate that Viking is responsible for enforcing environmental requirements with
contractors as well as with Viking employees.
Therefore Viking must select, hire and work with only competent contractors who share Viking’s views
and standards on Health, Safety and the Environment.
For the purposes of Contractor Safety, Viking has created three “Classes” of contractors:
Class 1: Class 1 contractors engage in contracting services that include: training, business
support, technical experts etc. Class 1 contractors are normally escorted by their host and are
not engaged in activities that have a high level of risk.
Class 2: Class 2 contractors carry out changes, upgrades and alterations to Viking’s equipment,
buildings and facilities. These contractors bring tools to Viking sites in order to complete work
that includes, destruction, construction, renovations, rebuilds, repairs, maintenance, etc.
Class 3: On large projects, Viking may elect to contract away the responsibility and liability for
Occupational Health and Safety to a Prime Contractor (Class 3 Contractor). On these projects
clear contract language will define that Viking will be “hands off” on the project and that the Prime
Contractor will undertake the work fully, properly and completely on behalf of Viking within the
provisions of the governing provincial legislation. Prior to awarding any contracts, Prime
Contractors will demonstrate to Viking that they have the necessary Occupational Health and
Safety Program in place to ensure that all workers under their control will be protected at all times.
In order to ensure there is alignment on all facets of contracted work, Viking must ensure all external
contractors are made aware of the Health, Safety and Environment requirements, safety standards and
procedures, and any known hazards around Viking property. For Class 1 contractors this is achieved by
having the contractor review and sign the “General Guidelines for Contractors” document (FORM QD-
012-08-01-01). For Class 2 contractors this is achieved by delivering safety training for contractors and
their employees.
All Class 2 contractors must ensure that each of their workers who appears on site to perform work
provides proof of qualification to the person-in-charge. They must also ensure that each of their workers
who appear on site to perform work is made aware of, and abides by Viking’s Health, Safety and
Environment requirements, safety standards and procedures. The contractors must ensure that their
workers are made aware of any known hazards around the property, and to ensure that their workers are
instructed in the safety procedures to be followed to avoid these hazards. They must ensure that their
workers are working safely and are taking all necessary actions and precautions to protect themselves,
Viking personnel and property.