R2E Kickoff Seminar
Start : 7:30
Introduction – Key note: R2E Journey:  10 - 15 minutes. (Dan Tharp and Shawn Maynard)
Objectives: what will we accomplish by the end of the day? – 5 - 10 minutes (Shawn Maynard)
What’s new in R2E for 2015: – 10 minutes (Shawn Maynard)
Voice of the Customer – 90 minutes  (Mark Baggott)
Break 8:45 – 15 minutes
Best Practices – Small groups identify 1 - 3 top best practices  and readout – 1.5 hour (Shawn Maynard)
Break 10:30 – 15 minutes
Leader Standard Work – Part I – small groups defining their standard work and readout – 60 minutes (Tony Ota)
Lunch 11:45 – 60 minutes
Leader Standard Work – Part II – small groups defining their standard work and readout – 60 minutes (Tony Ota)
Wrap up summary  - Did we achieve the objectives?  Next steps – 15 minutes (Shawn Maynard)
End: 2:00