Canadian Aviation Regulations for Safety Management Systems

Dueck Aviation provided training for this course.  

2 days

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

$450.00 per person to attend 


CARs for Safety Management (SMS)

Waiting until  the SMS requirements are made mandatory for the particular certificate holder is self defeating.  All aspects of the SMS requirements can be practiced and understood prior to getting them approved and included in the company's manual, which should reduce anxiety when they are mandated for the particular group of organization, and also reduce (likely eliminate) the need for the Implementation Phase I gap analysis and project  plan when the requirements are made mandatory. 

This course identifies approximately 35 (depending slightly on how a few of the detailed requirements are separated or combined) different requirements established in the CARs for (for a couple of 'requirements') established in the Transport Canada assessment guide (SI SUR-001 as amended).  All of the requirements are shown to link to the 17 TC "SMS model" "requirements", and are presented in a sequential manner (unlike how they appear in the CARs or in the TC SMS model) so that they can be readily understood and implemented as simply as possible, appropriate to the company, and effective in preventing accidents.  This is the only publicly available SMS training based on the CARs requirements and delivered by someone who was involved as a member of the Canadian Aviation Regulations Advisory Council Technical Committee where the applicable regulations were discussed and accepted by industry representatives. 

The course is designed to meet the specific training requirements in CAR Standard 573.06(8) for AMOs, but is equally applicable to holders of an aircraft operator certificate, airport operator certificate, manufacturer certificate, or design approval organization certificate, because the SMS requirements (while not necessarily the training requirements) are essentially the same for all of these organizations.  The 35 requirements are first identified, then presented as a system, and then individually explained as to 'how to' so that a company can be both compliant and effective. All of the required procedures should be able to be developed and implemented within 30 to 90 days during conduct of normal operations, depending on the time devoted in doing so.  Thereafter, the company can apply continuous improvement, and confidently face a TC assessment, both of which are also addressed in the course. While CARs SMS requirements replace the concept of a safety officer, this course would also serve to fulfill the safety officer training requirement where it currently still exists in CARs Part VII