Aircraft Certification Authority (ACA)

A. The Company President maintains a file on the Director of Maintenance. This file will include historical data applicable to the individual as well as personal data indicating training, experience, qualifications and license number. The Director of Maintenance will maintain a similar file on all maintenance personnel.
B. Aircraft Certification Authority (ACA) and Shop Certification Authority (SCA) privileges are issued to provide qualified personnel with the authority to issue Maintenance Release Certifications for maintenance conducted on aircraft and aeronautical products in accordance with the Canadian Aviation Regulations, Airworthiness Manual and this Maintenance Policy Manual.
C. Personnel with company certification authority may be issued a colored coded witness paste used to identify areas that have been satisfactorily inspected.
D. The signature of a qualified and authorized person accompanied with an AMO issued stamp, following a statement of work performed, constitutes a maintenance release.
E. The Director of Maintenance may grant Certification Authority after reviewing individual qualifications, experience and recommendations to ensure they meet the requirements of this manual. The Director of Maintenance maintains a list of personnel, their qualifications, certification authorities and witness paste color.
F. Records of all personnel authorized to sign a maintenance release shall be retained by the company for a minimum of two years after the employee is no longer employed/contracted by the company. The personnel records for individuals issued certification privileges shall show the date on which authority and scope were issued and the date on which these privileges were removed.
G. A list of persons granted Aircraft Certification Authority and Shop Certification Authority is incorporated by reference in this manual. Each employee issued ACA/SCA authority shall receive a wallet card (Incorporated by Reference) detailing the authority granted and the scope of their certifying authority.