Structural Repair for Engineers - Part l

Structural Repair for Engineers - Part 1 - Courses


This course prepares the trainee to assess, design and analyze metallic repairs for damage beyond the limits described in the Structural Repair Manual (SRM). The course includes a combination of lecture, discussion, practical exercises, and two examinations. Students should come to class equipped to perform mathematical calculations. In addition, when taught in Seattle a 10th day is included to conduct a field trip to the Boeing factory.

Objectives: This course satisfies ATA 104 Level IV objectives. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: 

• Identify the basic design requirements for structural repairs. 

• Describe typical aircraft structures and loads. 

• Identify typical metallic structures and the properties of metals. 

• Identify fasteners and joints used in repairs. 

• Calculate joint load capabilities for typical aircraft structure. 

• Describe the basic design for durability requirements. 

• Design a metallic structural repair for damage beyond SRM limits with reasonable assurance of approval from Boeing or other approval agencies.

Prerequisites: Engineering degree or equivalent experience